(Established by Andhra Pradesh Act No. 30 of 2008)
Kukatpally, Hyderabad – 500 085, Andhra Pradesh (India)Dr. K.ESHWARA PRASAD
Professor of Mechanical Engg.
Date: 18-11-2013
The Principals
JNTUH Affiliated Colleges
Sub: Postponement of all B.Tech and B.Pharmacy University Examinations Scheduled on
The Principals of the affiliated Colleges are informed to note that all B.Tech and
B.Pharmacy University Examinations which are scheduled on 19-11-2013 are postponed. The
Revised date of Examinations will be announced later.
The Principals are informed to communicate the same to the students immediately
Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
B.Tech 2-1 (R09) II Mid Exam Time Tables Click here to download
B.Tech 3-1 (R09) II Mid Exam Time Tables Click here to download
B.Tech 4-1 (R09) II Mid Exam Time Tables Click here to download
In view of the requests from the Principals, the last date for Examination Registrations of B.Tech/B.Pharmacy (Regular/Supp) has been extended up to 04/10/2013. However the remaining deadlines are as usual.
Click here to download notification....
B.Tech 1,2,3,4 Years (I,II Sem) Regular/Supple Exams Time Tables (Nov/Dec 2013)
Note : Just click on the respective Years/Semesters/Regulations to download the time tables.R09 = For 2009, 2010,2011,2012 Regular and 2010, 2011,2012,2013 Lateral Entry admitted batches only.R07 = For 2007, 2008 Regular and 2008, 2009 Lateral Entry admitted batches only.R05 = For 2005, 2006 Regular and 2006, 2007 Lateral Entry admitted batches only.RR = For 2002, 2003 and 2004 Regular and 2003, 2004 and 2005 Lateral Entry admitted batches only.
The notification is issued for the conduct of following B.Tech examinations :
I B.Tech (R09) Supplementary | III B.Tech I Sem (R07) Supplementary |
I B.Tech (R05) Supplementary | III B.Tech I Sem (R05) Supplementary |
I B.Tech (R07) Supplementary | III B.Tech I Sem (RR) Supplementary |
II B.Tech I Sem (R09) Regular/Supple | III B.Tech II Sem (R09) Supplementary |
II B.Tech I Sem (R07) Supplementary | III B.Tech II Sem (R07) Supplementary |
II B.Tech I Sem (R05) Supplementary | III B.Tech II Sem (R05) Supplementary |
II B.Tech I Sem (RR) Supplementary | III B.Tech II Sem (RR) Supplementary |
II B.Tech II Sem (R09) Supplementary | IV B.Tech I Sem (R09) Regular/Supple |
II B.Tech II Sem (R07) Supplementary | IV B.Tech I Sem (R07) Supplementary |
II B.Tech II Sem (R05) Supplementary | IV B.Tech I Sem (R05) Supplementary |
II B.Tech II Sem (RR) Supplementary | IV B.Tech I Sem (RR) Supplementary |
III B.Tech I Sem (R09 Regular/Supple | |
The students appearing for the above examinations commencing in Nov/Dec 2013 are informed to note time schedule given below.
Without Late Fee | 03-10-2013 |
With Late Fee of Rs.100/- | 07-10-2013 |
With Late Fee of Rs.1000/- | 10-10-2013 |
Event | From | To | No.of Weeks/Days |
Orientation Programme | 23.09.2013 | 24.09.2013 | 2 Days |
I Spell of Instructions | 25.09.2013 | 11.10.2013 | 2 weeks |
Dusseraha Holidays | 12.10.2013 | 20.10.2013 | 9 Days |
I Spell of Instructions Continued | 21.10.2013 | 07.12.2013 | 7 Weeks |
I Mid Examinations | 09.12.2013 | 12.12.2013 | 4 Days |
II Spell of Instructions | 13.12.2013 | 10.01.2014 | 4 Weeks |
Pongal Holidays | 11.01.2014 | 19.01.2014 | 9 Days |
II Spell of Instructions (Continued) | 20.01.2014 | 22.02.2014 | 5 Weeks |
II Mid Examinations | 24.02.2014 | 27.02.2014 | 4 Days |
III Spell of Instructions | 28.02.2014 | 03.05.2014 | 9 Weeks |
III Mid Examinations | 05.05.2014 | 08.05.2014 | 4 Days |
Preparations & Practical examinations | 09.05.2014 | 17.05.2014 | 9 Days |
Summer Vacation | 18.05.2014 | 15.06.2014 | 4 Weeks |
End Examinations (Regular) | 16.06.2014 | 28.06.2014 | 2 Weeks |
Commencement of class work for II-I semester | 30.06.2014 | - |